====== Map Resources ====== Map resources are configurated in the map-config.xml file located in the install folder of application. ===== Localization ===== Map-config.xml is default configuration file, you can create localized version adding language code to the file name, such as map-config-en.xml, map-config-de.xml etd. Program will try to read localized file according to selected language and if it fails, default file will be read. ===== Syntax ===== ^Tag ^^^^Description ^ |**PocketDrake** ||||mandatory envelope| | |**MapSource** |||definition of the map source, used to create the combo boxu| | | |**type** ||type of source MapyCz ... system of czech server na www.mapy.cz, modified UTM coordinates Google ... system of maps.google.com, uses SlippyMapTiles, identicals to Open Street Map and many others | | | |**name** ||name displayed in the combo box| | | |**storage** ||storage method of map tiles (since version 1.4.5) database - tiles are stored in database (single file) | | | |**MapType** ||type of map in single source, creates radiobuttons and checkboxs | | | | |//mode// |attribute, defines usage (max. 3 occurences of each type) basic - map bacground - radiobutton overlay - overlay, hiking trails etc. ... - checkbox | | | | |**name** |user friendly name| | | | |**file** |template for file name| | | | |**fileExt** |obsolete| | | | |**url** |resource url {x} ... longitute {y} ... latitude {z} ... zoom | | | | |**invertY** || | | | |**defaultZoom** |initial zoom for the first map display| | | | |**minZoom** |minimal zoom (minimal detail)| | | | |**maxAvailZoom** |maximal zoom available on the Internet | | | | |**maxZoom** |maximal allowed zoom (maximal detail)| You can create your own configuration file from following blocks. Procedure: - Copy map-config.xml file to PC a open it using notepad or another plain text editor (not MS Word). - Copy configurations, you want to use. - Be sure, final files starts with and ends with . ===== Configuration for www.mapy.cz ===== [[http://www.mapy.cz|www.mapy.cz]] MapyCz Mapy CZ Turistická turist http://m1.mapserver.mapy.cz/turist/{z}_{x}_{y} ab 3 13 Základní base-n http://m1.mapserver.mapy.cz/base-n/{z}_{x}_{y} 12 3 16 Ortofoto ophoto http://m1.mapserver.mapy.cz/ophoto/{z}_{x}_{y} 12 3 17 Turistické trasy ttur http://m1.mapserver.mapy.cz/ttur/{z}_{x}_{y} 12 3 13 Cyklotrasy tcyklo http://m1.mapserver.mapy.cz/tcyklo/{z}_{x}_{y} 12 3 13 ===== Configuration for Google Maps ===== [[http://maps.google.com|Google Maps]] Google Google Maps Základní google\map http://mt0.google.com/vt/x={x}&y={y}&z={z} 14 1 18 Satelitní google\sat http://khm1.google.com/kh/v=63&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} 14 1 18 Terénní google\terr http://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=t@126,r@142&hl=cs&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} 14 1 18 ===== Configuration for MyTopo (pouze USA) ===== [[http://www.mytopo.com/maps/|MyTopo (pouze USA)]] Google MyTopo (pouze USA) Základní mytopo http://maps.mytopo.com/groundspeak/tilecache.py/1.0.0/topoG/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 14 1 18 ===== Configuration for Open Street Maps ===== [[http://www.openstreetmap.org/|Open Street Maps]] Google Open Street Map Základní osm http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 14 1 18 ===== Configuration for Cykloatlas ===== [[http://www.cykloserver.cz/cykloatlas/|Cykloatlas]] Google Cykloatlas Základní cykloatlas http://services.tmapserver.cz/tiles/gm/shc/{z}c/{x}/{y}.png 14 1 18 ===== Configuration for Freemap Slovakia ===== [[http://www.freemap.sk/|Freemap Slovakia]] Google Freemap Slovakia Základní FMSlovakia http://www.freemap.sk/layers/allinone/?/BN/{z}/{x}/{y} 14 1 18 ===== Configuration for Ovi Nokia ===== [[http://maps.ovi.com/]] Google Ovi Nokia Basic ovi http://maptile.maps.svc.ovi.com/maptiler/maptile/newest/normal.day/{z}/{x}/{y}/256/png8 12 1 17 ===== Configuration for OutdoorActive DE (německé turistické mapy) ===== [[http://www.outdooractive.com]] Google OutdoorActive DE Basic outdooractive http://t0.outdooractive.com/portal/map/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 12 8 16