{{:bt_de.png|}} **[[de:start|Die deutsche Version kann hier sein]]** ====== Introduction ====== a:Drake is a freeware application for Android devices designed to do paperless Geocaching. If you wonder where the name came from, here is explanation: cacher in czech sounds like "kačer" and it is duck male, i.e. drake :-) a:Drake is designed for **off-line work, ie. without internet connection**. It's possible to download data on-line, but this possibility is meant as a tool for quick update not as main way of program usage. **Cache data is downloaded via Geocaching Live, it means, user has to be Premium Member to be able to use this feature without significant restrictions.** There is similar application [[http://pocketdrake.cz|PocketDrake]]** running on Windows Mobile** devices. ====== Screenshots ====== {{:hlavni.jpg|Main menu}} {{:seznam.jpg|List of selected caches}} {{:cekajici_logy.jpg|List of pending logs}} {{:det_hlavni.jpg|Detail - main data}} {{:det_listing.jpg| Detail - listing}} {{:det_logy.jpg|Detail - logs}} {{:det_kompas.jpg|Detail - compass}} {{:mapa1.jpg|Map - OSM}} {{:mapa2.jpg|Map - OSM}} {{:mapa6.jpg|Map - mapy.cz with different filter}} {{:mapa3.jpg|Map - OSM}} {{:mapa4.jpg|Map - OSM}} {{:mapa5.jpg|Map - OSM}} {{:filtr1.jpg|Filter - properties}} {{:filtr2.jpg|Filter - cache types}} {{:filtr3.jpg|Filter - waypoint types}} {{:filtr4.jpg|Filter - Location}} ===== Features overview ===== * finger-frienly * database of geocaches and waypoints (not included) * database fully compatible with [[http://geoget.ararat.cz|GeoGet]] * can handle huge data volume, tested on 30 000+ caches (plus waypoints) * complete cache information * coordinates * terrain and difficulty * distance and direction * attributes * listing (original HTML) * list of assigned waypoints * logs * own notes * own log as Field Notes * navigation to cache or waypoint * compass * export Field Notes and on-line sending to website * customizable text of log, include time, note and sequence number * map * various map sources - www.mapy.cz, Google, OpenStreetMap * automatic download * automatic saving for off-line use * www.mapy.cz * Google Maps, Open Street etc. * mass download using [[http://mobac.dnsalias.org|Mobile Atlas Creator]] with type of atlas OSMTracker tile storage ===== Author ===== [[http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?u=LudekV|LudekV]]